torsdag 20. mars 2014


While some artists have mastered the Photoshop brushes to give some of their models a much needed face or eye lift, Russian artist Vadim Andreev uses those from the make-up artist kit. And his results are sometimes so jaw-dropping it’s hard to believe the pictures weren’t retouched! Using only cosmetics, Vadim transforms women into stunning cover girls, and can do an equally good job with carnival make-up as well.

No wonder there’s a popular saying in Russia that before you marry, you should take your bride to the sauna first – there you can you can see the real person, without all the cosmetics that can deceive you greatly. It’s an old saying/tradition long before the Photoshop era – so today this sauna test is probably even more important than ever before.

Since the last time we’ve featured Vadim and his stunning make up work, the guy kept improving his skills and now has a new collection of “before and after” pictures. Wonder if their husbands and boyfriends would recognize all of them!

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