søndag 21. februar 2016

Wonderful photos of the couple bodybuilder

Couples candidate usually busy wedding invitations, wedding dresses are planning for the future and choose, so they hardly take time out to exercise or recreation. But Mayor Donna and her favorite woman is different. Donna town in the state of Saxony in Germany. The mayor, 43, and 33-year-old woman, wife and husbands, but you know that this is no ordinary couple. Only four months ago, the couple building a life together and form a new family and today they have become the first couple to win the world championship bodybuilding!
In the tournament in Miami, they earn three awards.

The couple bodybuilder eight years ago in a club Sex (Sex Club) in Norwich meet up. And suddenly fall in love.

The woman and man in love with a few years together until marriage to have sex.

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