torsdag 20. mars 2014

Hand Painting

Do you remember the amazing Hand Painting Art by Guido Daniele we posted two years ago? Well, don’t be deceived, this is not another collection of his work.

The hand paintings below are all painted by a talented London-based body painter Annie Ralli. Photographed by Ray Massey, these hand illusions are a part of advertising campaign for Ecclesiastical Insurance, a niche insurance company using the byline “You’re in good hands”.

“Bodypainting is a skill I perfected working with stills photographers,” says Annie, who is also a former BBC scenic artist.

“It is meticulous work, but it has to be carried out at speed, partly because the “cavas” walkas away at the end of the day and partly because paint is less stable on a living, moving base. The work is fun and the results can be beautiful.”

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