torsdag 13. mars 2014

Women Live Longer

It’s long been understood that, for the most part, women tend to live longer than men. While scientists have a number of theories on the issue, we think that these hilarious (and hazardous) pictures just might account for the disparity.
In truth, there are a number of reasons for which women, statistically, live longer than men. Some have believed that this was due to the stresses placed on men, who have traditionally been considered bread-winners by the Western world, but the difference still stands in modern societies where women work just as much as men.
One reason scientists offer is that common heart diseases begin earlier in men as opposed to women. The varying degrees of iron deficiency that menstruation can cause in women also changes the way their cardiovascular cells react to heart disease. Another theory is that women’s double X chromosomes (as opposed to men’s XY) might also confer certain advantages. There’s also the so-called “testosterone storm” that affects men in their 20s, during which they tend to engage in dangerous or self-destructive behaviors.
There are many biological theories behind why women live longer than men, but we’re sure that behavior like that in these pictures isn’t helping. Live and learn, guys!

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