fredag 18. april 2014

Shopping Bag

When selling a product, its design is one of the most important aspects of its marketability. However, just as important, if not more so, is making sure that your product and your consumers’ shopping experience is memorable – and one excellent way to do this is with brilliantly designed shopping bags like these.
Maybe there’s nothing wrong with the common “Thank You, Come Again” plastic bag, but it won’t make you stand out from a crowd. With ingenious bags like these, not only will your customers remember their shopping experience, the people that spot their shopping bags in the street will also be intrigued. Or, if you don’t feel the need to make an impression, those bags can be offered as creative advertisement space to other brands. In fact, there’s already a term coined for that – it’s called “bagvertising.”
Other bags from this list are reusable, so whether they have a brand advertisement or simply a cool and clever design, they are a lot more fun to carry around – and they don’t go to waste. While a few of these are simply exercises done by designers to show off their chops (those are the ones without specific brands related to them), others seem to have actually been implemented.
What do you think – are these bags memorable?

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