fredag 9. oktober 2015

Romantic poetry collection

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Life is the flower multiplied to eternity
Life is the earth multiplied in our heartbeats
Life is a simple and monotonous geometry of breaths
Where I am, let it be so
The sky is mine
The window, thought, air, love, earth is mine
What signifies?
If mushrooms of nostalgia
Sometimes grow?
I don’t know
Why some say that the horse is a noble animal, the pigeon is beautiful
And why no vulture dwells in any person’s cage
I wonder why the clover is interior to alfalfa

One must wash eyes, look differently to things words must be washed
The word must be wind itself, the word must be the rain itself
One must shut umbrellas
One must walk in the rain
One must carry the thought, the recollection in the rain
One must go walk in the rain with all the townsfolk
One must see friends in the rain
One must search love in the rain

Name the court where all the big faults are forgiven in a second 
A small child smiled and answered
Its”My Mom’s Heart


" The voice of silence " 
I wanted to be alone a while
to think, as you know,
and in the silence I heard
a voice inside myself
and many things that I thought were
dead now came back to life,
and the person I loved so much
returned from the sea of silence
like tears flooding my eyes,
and the one I’m missing
in the sea of silence
you know I miss you very much
There are things in silence
that I never expected.
…I want a voice…
and suddenly you
realize that the silence
has the appearance of things you lost,
and I hear you love,
I feel you in my heart,
you’re reclaiming the place that
you hadn’t ever lost
that you hadn’t ever lost
that you hadn’t ever lost.

I wanted to be alone a while
to think, as you know,
but there are things in silence
that I never expected,
…I want a voice…
and suddenly you
realize that the silence
has the appearance of things you lost,
and I hear you love,
I feel you in my heart,
you’re reclaiming the place that
you hadn’t ever lost
you hadn’t ever lost
you hadn’t lost
you hadn’t ever lost.

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